- [K] : Keynote- [SP] : Short Presentation
- [LP] : Long Presentation
Please note that the program is not yet complete, all the talks/events are not displayed and the order/time schedule may still vary
Thursday April 4th 2024
9h15 | 9h30
Opening speech
Michael TOPLISPresident of Toulouse University -
9h30 | 10h15
[K]Faulting Hardware from Software and Sustainable Mitigations
Daniel GrussGraz University of TechnologyMore info → -
10h15 | 10h55
[LP]E-Spoofer: Attacking and Defending Xiaomi Electric Scooter Ecosystem
Marco Casagrande (speaker), Riccardo Cestaro, Eleonora Losiouk, Mauro Conti and Daniele AntonioliInstitut Eurecom, Sophia-AntipolisMore info → -
10h55 | 11h15
Coffee Break
11h15 | 11h55
[LP]BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses
Daniele AntonioliInstitut Eurecom, Sophia-AntipolisMore info → -
12h15 | 14h00
Lunch Break and Meeting with Industrials
14h00 | 14h45
[K]Bringing the Science of Cybersecurity out of the Dark Ages
Jiska ClassenHasso Plattner Institute, University of PotsdamMore info → -
15h45 | 16h15
Coffee Break
16h15 | 17h00
17h00 | 18h00
18h00 | 21h00
Friday April 5th 2024
10h00 | 10h20
[SP]How to voltage fault injection ?
Théo GordyjanSynacktivMore info → -
10h20 | 10h50
Coffee Break
10h50 | 11h30
[LP]BAGUETTE: Hunting for Evidence of Malicious Behavior in Dynamic Analysis Reports
Pierre-François Gimenez (speaker) Vincent Raulin, Yufei Han and Valérie Viet Triem TongINRIA/Centrale Supelec, RennesMore info → -
11h30 | 12h10
[SP]CERBERE: Cybersecurity Exercise for Red and Blue team Entertainment, Reproducibility and Experience
Natan Talon (speaker) Pierre-Victor Besson, Romain Brisse, Hélène Orsini, Jean-François Lalande, Frédéric Majorczyk, Alexandre Sanchez and Valérie Viet Triem Tong Hackuity, RennesMore info → -
12h10 | 14h00
Lunch Break and Meeting with Industrials
14h00 | 14h40
[LP]Towards Understanding Alerts raised by Unsupervised Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Maxime Lanvin (speaker), Pierre-François Gimenez, Yufei Han, Frédéric Majorczyk, Ludovic MÉ and Eric TotelCentrale Supelec, Université de Rennes, IRISA, RennesMore info → -
14h40 | 15h20
[LP]Cyberious Game: Experiencing Social engineering
Ladislas Hajnal (speaker), Clément VuillaumeENAC, ToulouseMore info → -
15h20 | 15h45
Coffee Break
15h45 | 16h05
[SP]Exploring modern OS Administrative Privileges
Eddie Billoir (speaker), Romain Laborde, Ahmad Samer Wazan, Yves Rutschle and Abdelmalek BenzekriIRIT, Université Toulouse 3, ToulouseMore info → -
16h05 | 16h25
[SP]PHP filter chains: How to use it
Rémi MatasseSynacktiv, RennesMore info → -
16h25 | 16h45
[SP]A Portable Lab for Teaching Ethical Hacking
Michael DorinUniversity of Saint Thomas, USMore info → -
16h45 | 17h00